
Dos & Don’ts of Garage Door Maintenance

There’s some general maintenance that makes sense for you to complete on your own, then there are other times when maintenance requires expert knowledge and tools. So what garage door maintenance is safe for you to do and what should you leave for the experts? Let’s dive into the dos and don’ts of garage door maintenance!


The Dos:


With over thousands of garage door accidents happening every year, it’s important to check for wear and tear at least annually, if not twice a year. Wear and tear on a garage door can range from:

  • Dirty or blocked eye sensors
  • Dead batteries in the remotes
  • Squeaky springs
  • Bent or rusted tracks

Spotting wear and tear early on allows you to complete garage door maintenance and fix the problem. Without checking in on your door, you could face a broken door and bigger expenses later down the road.


Do you know the other garage door maintenance that should be completed once or twice a year? Lubrication! Squeaky or scraping noises could be a sign that your door needs lubrication somewhere. The best lubricants for your garage door are silicone-based. They make sure your tracks or hinges move smoothly and seamlessly without causing a mess, unlike white lithium grease. So keep the different cogs and mechanisms on your door lubricated to extend its life.

Clean It!

If your garage door is starting to look dingy, it wouldn’t hurt to use a non-abrasive cleaner to wash away the dirt and grime that has seeped into the grooves. When you do that, not only will you have a cleaner door, but you’ll boost your curb appeal. All it takes is a quality sponge, some soapy water, and a little bit of “elbow grease” to make your door look like new. Also, cleaning and organizing the interior is important as well. Get the most of your garage space with these best practices and tips.

The Don’ts:

Ignore the Noises

Is there an unusual noise coming from your garage door every time you operate it? Whether it’s grinding, squeaking, rattling, or just being loud, do NOT ignore it! These sounds are your garage door telling you something is wrong. From the nuts and bolts to the door itself, these noises indicate you need to look into the problem. It could be a simple fix of lubricating the rollers to stop a squeaking noise, or a sign that the door was improperly installed from the start. Whatever the case, don’t ignore it!

Clean with the Wrong Chemicals

One cleaner does not fit every situation. You shouldn’t use window cleaner on your car’s tires for an “extra shine”, and you shouldn’t use toxic chemicals to clean your garage door. When you go to clean your garage door, do NOT:

  • Use abrasive cleaners or alkaline cleaners
  • Use razor blades or other sharp instruments to scrape some dirt off
  • Use bleach

All of these harsh cleaning techniques will result in damaging your door.

Tackle the Tough Repairs

Even for DIY experts, fixing a garage door is a different ballgame. With all the moving pieces, the wrong move could result in the garage door collapsing, potentially hurting you in the process if you’re in the way. If you’ve completed a routine inspection and discovered your garage door needs expert maintenance, call Precision Door. We answer the phone 24/7 and can tackle all the tough repairs, keeping you safe.