
How to Organize Your Garage

A lot can fit into a garage. You have tools, power equipment, lawn chairs, random sports gear, and more all stuffed into this space. We have no doubt you can get it to fit, but can you find it when you need it? Get the most out of your garage space by utilizing these organizing tips.


Go Through the Clutter

Before you can organize the clutter, you need to make an even bigger mess and go through every item currently stored in your garage. Believe us, there is a method to the madness. Right now, your garage probably just has stuff in places where it best fits with no rhyme or reason. Meaning you probably have items stored that you’ve forgotten you even had.

To get organized and make room for new stuff, you are left with three options:

  1. Toss
  2. Donate
  3. Keep


Some things have been hiding in your garage since you moved in. Some things you don’t even use anymore and did not have the heart to throw out at the time. Now is the time to throw it out. If its only purpose is to take up space, you do not need it.


Before you toss it though, ask yourself: could someone else use it? Obviously, do not donate junk that’s on its last leg. If you don’t want it, the donation center probably doesn’t want it either. Instead, donate items that are gently used. For example, a great item to donate would be a lawn mower or lawn equipment. Oftentimes, people upgrade their equipment without having an easy way of disposing their old gear. Maybe your yard size increased with a recent move, and that old push mower just isn’t enough for a 1-acre lot. It’s still a perfectly good mower, but you don’t really have a use for it anymore. Well, everyone who has a yard needs those tools, so you can make an impact while freeing up some space!


After you have gone through what you need to toss or donate, you need to organize the items you have deemed worthy to keep. Organize it into categories that make the most sense. Keep your power tools in a group, your lawn and garden equipment in another group, camping/lawn chairs in another group, and so on. This will make it easier to organize your garage later.

Utilize the Space

Almost every inch of your garage can be utilized. Here are some best practices to get the most out of your space.

Walls & Ceilings

Curious how your walls and space can be utilized? Through racks and shelves! Not only do you get more space by installing racks and shelves, but they also make it to easier to organize. Walls are a great place for shelving to store power equipment and tools. It’ll be easy to access everything you need. Hooks and racks are great to store seasonal items; you don’t have much need for a bicycle or kayak in the middle of winter!

Floor Space 

The most that should be occupying your garage floor space should be your vehicle(s) and maybe a lawn mower. Everything else should have a designated spot lifted off the ground. Keeping items off the ground makes it easier to navigate. You’ll also be less likely to bump your vehicle when pulling in. It’ll also help reduce trip hazards and free up general workspace. The only other items that should be found on your garage floor are standing shelves and cabinets.


Cabinets are great for locking away hazardous equipment such as fertilizers, gasoline, cleaning products, and other not-so-safe materials. Whatever you would keep away from pets and children should be locked up in a cabinet. Otherwise, shelves are the way to organize loose items. Though, a shelf puts all your items on display, which may not give off the most “organized” feeling.  However, the tradeoff is the next time you need something from your garage, you can easily locate it and continue your project!

When you begin putting things away, keep similar items near each other. For example, keep your lawn equipment like shovels, hoes, and rakes together. Preferably near your lawn mower. This will make it easier to find in the future while also speeding up lawn related tasks.

Safety Considerations

When you’re organizing your garage, keep these safety precautions in mind.

  1. Lock up or store hazardous materials safely
  2. Dispose of old paint and chemicals
  3. Consider fire safety measures
  4. Keep sharp equipment out of reach

Always stay on the safe side when organizing this space.

Routine Maintenance

Once everything has a spot, you need to make sure it keeps its spot. An organized garage only stays organized if you put things away. Which is easier said than done. Especially if you are in the middle a project, it is easier to keep things conveniently near the project than put away. Careful though, these items can stack up and create a mess. Especially for longer term projects. Letting these messes accumulate over time can lead to you loosing track of smaller consumable products. You’ll quickly find yourself returning from the hardware store with a brand-new box of nails, just to see the old box full and sitting on your workbench. At the end of the day, do not let the clutter stack up and try to limit how busy you let your work area get.

Start Organizing Today

Organizing your garage should take a couple of days. So, set aside the weekend to really dive in. Also, if you want a pleasant go of it, we recommend sometime in the Fall or Spring for garages without central heating and air. Once it is complete, you will thank yourself later when you can find everything you need for the next project!